I will tell you some information about Maori lifestyle.
Maori is the oldest settler in New Zealand. They wear traditional costume, but not looks like costume of other tribes, because New Zealand is not so hot. Maori sometimes wore thick clothes made by birds feather or sheep. They have great tatoos in their body, and it represent their family or tribes and so on. Some are appeals to their force.
They lived house made by wood, and some houses have carving called Tiki in front of their house. They have two houses, in summer they live normal house but in winter, they live which half of house is under ground because it is hotter than normal house. And they sometimes held the meeting at meeting hall, that is also made by wood.
They eat fishes, beans, fruits, and so on. They also eat meat for example lamb, but some are became cannibal. Cannibal means "people who eats human flesh". But they did not eat families or their friend. They ate people from Europe or member of other tribes or groups after the fight or war. They are basically lived by self-sufficiency, but recently Maori use money and buy foods or goods which they need.
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