Upper Class
The Upper Class is basically consist of rich people e.g. Royal family, aristocrats like Duke, Lord, Lady and Politicians. They belong to the top in their job and also have power. For example, director, president, and if they are in war they will be captain, commander or commander officer.
They use different pronunciation from working class, it called Queen’s English or King’s English.
The popolation of Upper class is only 1 percent of all population of Britain, but they own the 1/3 of wealth of Britain
Upper Middle Class
People belong this class is little bit lower class than upper class, but they are still rich and they appearing rich list. Their job is high salary jobs, for example, doctor, and politician.
Middle Class
Middle class is consist of a person who needs to work for their life. Their life is not so rich, but has any problems to live. Their job is teacher, president of small company. So Their job needs to not only bodies but also use their brain
Skilled Working Class
They are work at plant, as carpenter, or the place which making something. So they have skills to make something. They can do the job which needs to a lot of experiences. They are not so rich, and never appear the rich list.
Unskilled Working Class
Unskilled working class is people who don’t have any special skills. They also work at same place as skilled working class, but they do a job which anyone can do, For example carry or lift something or serve the foods. Student sometimes work as part-time unskilled worker to earn money.
Under Class
The word under class means homeless. They have no job, no house, and no money. In their free time some of them are selling The Big Issue. The Big Issue is a kind of magazine its sold by homeless person.